Structure, Insulation and Fire Performance – All in one sheathing
An innovative structural insulated sheathing system for the building envelope that exceeds code requirements for energy and fire performance. Installation is quick and eliminates many of the steps and complexity required in common code-mandated assemblies.

Superior Performance
ROK-ON™ is made by bonding our proprietary fiberglass reinforced ceramic cement sheathing (FRCC) to expanded polystyrene foam in a thin structural panel. The EPS core is surrounded by a 6mm sheet next to framing and a 12mm sheet to the exterior. The result is a 2 ¾” all-in-one structural sheathing that has superior performance compared to common substrates available today for the building envelope.

Attaches like common sheathing
Non-Combustible, 0 Flame / 0 Smoke spread
Will not rot
Will not support mold or mildew
Water resistant
Impact resistant
Termite resistant
Fully code compliant
Code Compliance
ROK-ON™ is fully code compliant to both the USA and Canadian building codes. The system has been tested to over 63 ASTM standards for fire, energy and structural performance. This provides assurance that the product meets the code mandates for performance.
Click here for the testing overview. Actual testing reports can be supplied upon request.
Fire Performance
ROK-ON™ meets and exceeds the code requirement for fire performance in North America. ROK-ON™ has been tested to the NFPA 285 and has both 1-hour and 2-hour rated fire assemblies.
Energy Codes
The building codes throughout North America are demanding better energy performance. The use of continuous external insulation is now a requirement to meet the codes in virtually all steel-frame buildings and many wood-frame structures.
ROK-ON™ has an R-Value of 10.5 exceeding the code mandates for continuous insulation.

ROK-ON™ can adjust the core to meet most any energy code requirement. Contact your ROK-ON™ representative for details.
Superior Structural Performance
ROK-ON™ has been tested to the ASTM standards for monotonic and cyclic shear and transverse loading on CFS steel framing.

**Final design is the responsibility of the registered architect or engineer. ROK-ON™ accepts no liability. Test results supplied upon request.
ROK-ON™ is ideal for prefabrication. Its strength can allow for large prefabricated wall assemblies to be fabricated and lifted into place.
Unlike traditional assemblies, the face of the panel is an impact resistant cement board. This reduces or eliminates damage during transportation and installation. Assemblies as large as 31’x14’ have been installed to date.

Architectural Flexibility
ROK-ON™ SIS has tremendous architectural flexibility. The face of the panel has significant pull-out and pull-through strength and in many cases can accept and hold fasteners for cladding attachment. This can help reduce or eliminate expensive attachment systems. Installation can also be accomplished much faster. The system can also accept direct applications of stucco systems and brick/stone veneers.
Irving, Texas USA Silver Springs, Nevada USA Coronado, California USA Edmonton, Alberta Canada Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico